quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Oh, californian...

Sempre que o processo de pintar o cabelo envolve o conceito de "loiro" fico apreensiva logo desde o início. Porém, existe uma espécie de íman que me atrai e acabo sempre por arranjar maneira de meter o cabelo claro. Eu podia continuar morena e ficar aceitável. Eu podia voltar ao cabelo vermelho e ficar aceitável. Mas não, meti na cabeça que devia tentar as famosas madeixas californianas e...só podia dar para o torto. Estão grandes de mais, amarelas demais e a cor ficou distribuída de forma terrível. 
Vou ficar no meu cantinho, deprimida até ao final do mês. 
E esta até foi das fotos onde o cabelo pareceu mais decente. 

Every time I decide to dye my hair blonde, or part of it, I always get super apprehensive right from the beginning. But yet some supernatural force keeps pushing me forward and I always get a lighter hair colour in end. I could choose to stay brunette and look acceptable. I could choose to go back to the red hair and look acceptable. But no, oh no, I had to try those californian highlights...and it didn't work as I expected, obviously. They're too big, too yellow and the color was poorly distributed through the hair.
Now I'm gonna stay here in the dark corner until the end of the month. 
And this was actually one of the pics the hair looked more decent.

6 comentários:

  1. Nessa foto até ficaste bem! :)


    1. Obrigada! :)
      A verdade é que até com as lavagens tem vindo a piorar ligeiramente. hahah

  2. It doesn't look that bad from the photos! It looks like a really pretty ombre! I have ombre hair too, although I do have blonde hair, not dark, mine went orange at first but I used a purple toner shampoo to get rid of the orange and it's fine now. I do have a post about it somewhere on my blog actually, but have you thought about going to a salon? I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more :) :)

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  3. até ficas-te bem, ou melhor tu és bonita por isso não ficaria mal :)
