Adoro comida! Se pudesse e não tivesse medo de ficar obesa nunca pararia e seria maravilhosamente feliz a comer bolachas e a beber leite achocolatado para toda a vida. O meu problema é que ultimamente fartei-me de comer carne. Seja qual for o prato que encontre na mesa já não me dá gosto de comer. É realmente uma pena porque passei momentos maravilhosos a encher a pança em tempo record.
Não me vou tornar vegetariana. Primeiro porque dava muito trabalho até perceber o que era ou não era suposto comer. Segundo porque seria um enorme desperdício tendo em consideração a maravilhosa comida portuguesa e italiana. Tem que haver algo novo e suficientemente bom para alimentar esta relação tão promissora que tenho com a comida. O ideal dos ideais era ser algo com muita massa e molhos que façam engordar só de olhar...
I love food! I love it to the point that I could spend the rest of my life eating cookies and drinking chocolate milk if I wasn't so scared of becoming obese. The problem is that lately I've been feeling kind of tired of eating meat. No matter what type of food I find on the table it doesn't really catch my attention, which is a shame because I spent many great moments feeding myself like a pig in a record time.
I'm definitely not gonna become vegetarian. First of all, it would be a lot of work until I knew 100% what I could and couldn't eat. Second of all, it would be a shame considering the type of food we have here in Portugal. Or even italian food! I guess I just need some help at finding new dishes to cook. There must be something good enough to save this passionate relationship. I know it needs to have lots of pasta and lots of sauce which makes you gain weight just by looking at it...
(credit: foodsleepandmusic)
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