segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Bel-Air Prince!

Quando andava no básico, ou coisa parecida, eu e uma das minhas melhores amigas eramos completamente viciadas na série O Príncipe de Bel-Air. Dava todos os dias na RTP2 ao final da tarde e, naqueles dias em que se saía às 18h30 lá íamos nós a correr para casa e ganhar musgo no sofá. Era só a melhor coisa de sempre. Entre as frases de engate do Will, às danças ridículas do Carlton, à morte do namorado da Hillary ao pedi-la em casamento durante um salto de bungee-jumping...
Foi das melhores séries televisivas de sempre!

When I was still in school, my bestfriend and I were totally obsessed over The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air show. It used to be aired on RTP2 (portuguese channel) at the end of the end and, when our classes were until 6.30 p.m we would simply run to home and lay on the couch to watch it. It was the best thing! Between the Will's pickup lines, Carlton's ridiculous dance moves, Hillary's boyfriend dying during his marriage proposal while bungee-jumping....
It was one of the best tv shows ever!

Carlton dancing Tom Jones never fails at putting a smile on my face!

I remember as if it was yesterday how excited we were about this episode. 

aaaaaand...Will's pickup lines, baby:

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